Our clients are seeking a more bespoke and flexible approach to coaching to support leaders leading in a ‘VUCA’ world. In response, key elements of our coaching offering include:
Our Dynamic Approach
In addition to, Our Classic Approach, we are increasingly finding that our clients are needing a more flexible coaching approach.
Virtual coach available in real time over the phone or digitally when needed
Coach gets feedback from the coachees stakeholders to track progress
Coach attends meeting/event, & observes employee at work and provides feedback
Annual/6 monthly checkup to check in and calibrate change
Coachee gains review of their performance through feedback, psychometrics, blockers and more
Working directly with a coachee and their direct reports to improve performance & dynamics
Group session centred around a particular organisational theme e.g. Thriving in a Matrix/Managing Conflict
Development actions and experiences that coachees make happen between sessions that accelerate leadership and growth.
We offer the ‘Classic Coaching’, outlined below, with a combination of any/ all of the elements above.